Steve & Colleen Adams

Committed Believers in Jesus Christ

Colleen and Steve met briefly in 1995, introduced by a mutual friend. That mutual friend was Steve’s best friend in his late teens and early ’20s and Colleen’s soon-to-be fiancé. Little did they know that 20 years later they would meet for only the second time – at a Memorial Service grieving the loss of that dear friend and Colleens then-husband. But God intersected the lives of two people for one purpose – to bring the message of healing to anyone willing to hear. Two people, traveling parallel paths of restoration through difficult individual circumstances while independently saying, “I want to be well”. But God….. had even greater plans for these changed lives.

As co-founders of EBM, Colleen and Steve teach, guest lecture, and organize conferences and seminars around the message and mission of Embracing Brokenness Ministries. They author, blog, vlog, podcast, and lead the work of the ministry as God directs.

Colleen is VP of Programs at Water Street Mission in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Prior to that, she was Executive Vice President for a national Health Care consulting firm and Adjunct Professor at Eastern University. She is a licensed clinical social worker and earned her MBA at Eastern University, a Masters in Social Work at Temple University, and a Bachelors in Social Work at Messiah College.

Steve is full-time with Embracing Brokenness Ministries and volunteers regularly at Water Street Mission and Lancaster County Prison under the Chaplaincy Program. Prior to that, he was a business consultant and entrepreneur having owned or partnered in a variety of ventures over his career. Steve earned his MBA in Marketing from Drexel University with a BA in Business and a Minor in Economics from Grove City College.

Steve's Personal Author Website

What We Enjoy

Time Together

It's all about unplugging from the bedlam. Getting our life back in the presence of God and each other. Whenever there's the opportunity to do so.


We both love to read - usually about 5 books at a time. Anything from Christian fiction, non-fiction, to learning a new concept. So much out there to draw from so we have to do our research.

Getting to the Beach

Whenver possible retreat to the beach. Sit on the jetty, in the sand, or walk in the surf. We love our beach time.

Cooking and Cleaning

Colleen cooks, Steve cleans. That's the just the way it is. We both have our part. Steve stays away from the stove and Colleen leaves all the dishes for Steve. We both eat healthy, thanks to the Chef.


Steve takes the pics. Colleen poses or appreciates the results. Traveling and photogarphy are synonymus. Anywhere new gets captured and stored for further enjoyment.

Working Out

Whether it's in the basement or at the gym - working out a few days a week with some walks mingled in along the way is essential. Relieves any stress and we think a little clearer.